October is National Dental Hygiene Month. This year’s theme is “Keep Them Clean.” Keep Them Healthy”. Brushing and flossing are two of the key things that you can do to keep your teeth clean and healthy. After you brush and floss, you should rinse your mouth out with anti-bacterial mouthwash. You may also want to consider chewing sugar-less gum. Dentists have found that chewing sugar-free gum may reduce the risk of cavities.
Additionally, you need to make sure that you see your Atlanta dentist at least twice a year. Routine cleanings are one of the keys to preventing cavities and gum disease. If you are looking for a new dentist in Buckhead, then you should consider contacting Dr. Jolanda Warren. Dr. Warren has been in the field of dentistry for over 14 years. She is also the founder of Buckhead Esthetic Dentistry.
Dr. Warren is truly dedicated to her profession and wants to build lasting relationships with each one of her patients. Because she has been so dedicated to delivering quality care to her patients, she has recognized as the top cosmetic dentist in Atlanta, GA.
Dr. Warren attended undergraduate school at Clemson University. She received a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences. After she graduated from Clemson University, she decided to pursue her dream of becoming a dentist. She enrolled in the Medical University of South Carolina and earned her doctorate of dental medicine in 1996. She also completed her residency at that same school.
When Dr. Warren is not in her Atlanta dental office, she is spending time with her family. She also enjoys playing tennis and reading. Again, if you are looking for a good dentist, then do not look any further than Dr. Warren. Her dentist office is open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can also call 404-907-1417.